Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I got some length, yay yay yay
I'm doing something right dammit! WOHHOOOO!
The best part is that my hair feels thicker, which is due to my henna treatments! So yay for length and yay for henna! wooohhhoooo!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Yup, I'm loving it...

Another item that I really like from Chagrin Valley is their lip butter. I purchased the Honey Butter lipbutter and the Mocha Java lipbutter, and man o man, those things leave my lips soooo soft and moisturized!
On another note, my cousin has officially named me her "Henna Hairdresser."
LOL, isnt that great? I already ordered 300g of Yemen henna for her. I can't wait to get my hands on it, lol.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Monday, March 30, 2009
I knew I forgot something...
Last night I did a prepoo treatment with Olive Oil and Honey and my hair was beyond pissed off this morning. My hair was so hard and brittle, I have no idea if it was the honey or the olive oil, but my hair was having none of it.
So we can EVOO to the growing list of things that my hair hates.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
So soft, sooo soft
And boy o boy my hair is soft like cotton! Now, I didn't care for the Honey Beer Egg poo bar nor the Babassu & Marsh Mallow poo bar that I tested on my hair today. I swear, the ONLY poo bar that comes close to my beloved Coconut poo bar is the Mud and Clay poo bar.
Now Karen's Body Beautiful herbal conditioner is the friggin truth! Slip like a mutha, smells amazing, and leaves my hair as smooth as a baby bottom!
I love my hair!
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
I have a hair buddy!
Tonight I'm going to prepoo with Olive oil, honey and a teaspoon of conditioner.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Reunited and it feels sooo good!
You can really see the red in my hair!!!
But, I have to wait two days before I see the final result. But so far, Yemen henna is a favorite of mine right now.
So yesterday, I also picked up from my package from Karens's Body Beautiful.
I ordered:
2 Hair Nectars in Lavender Vanilla and Creamy Coco Mango
32oz Herbal conditioner in Cranberry Cocktail
Hair Oil in Lavender Vanilla
3 body splashes in Lavender Vanilla, Pomegranate Guava, and Chamoille Sage
Boy does everything smell so good!
Last night I also ordered more shampoo/body soaps from my beloved Ida. I ordered the Honey Butter soap, Dead Sea spa soap, Conrmeal and Honey scrubby bar, Coconut Milk shampoo(my fave!!!), and Carrot Milk and Honey shampoo bar.
Goodness I think I'm done shopping for my hair.
Oh I picked up a cute flower for my hair from H&M, a headband and some cute earrings from Forever21 as well.
Ok last, last time I buy something for my hair, Suzie.
I am soooo ready for the Spring!
Sidebar: these braids are DONE! Heavens, they look razzy and frizzy right now! I can't wait to get them re-done.
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Friday, March 27, 2009
To keep you guys up to date:
I finally picked up my purchases from Karen's Body Beautiful and I purchased more soaps from Ida!
Ok I will give my full review tomorrow, I m so tired!
Good night!
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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Jello pudding....and Henna?
WOHOOOOO! I'm back in business baby!
Anyway, this morning when I looked at my henna mix, I noticed something very "different" about it.
It was runny.
I've NEVER dealt with runny henna before, all my henna mixes have always been thick. So of course, I hoped on the hennaforhair forum and did some research. After reading several forums, I learned that runny/watery henna is a normal occurance and using JELL-O vanilla pudding mix helps thicken the henna.
So after adding the pudding mix, my henna was NICE, FULL and THICK!
Problem SOLVED!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
I LOVE great customer service!!!!!
This week, I ordered a BUNCH of products from Karen's Body Beautiful(like $75 worth! Don't judge me dammit! $40 off purchases over $100! You can NOT go wrong)
Anyway, so I ordered the products this week and since I opted for the in store delivery since I DO live in the neighborhood, I noticed that my order was STILL processing today. You know how I get when I order anything online.
What's the effin hold up?
So I called the store to inquiry about my order and the VERY NICE salesgirl informed me that the Pomegranate Guava fragrance oil is on back order. Well shit that sucks, since I ordered the Hair Nectar in Pomegranate Guava and then she also stated that the Hair Oil in Chamomile Sage was also sold out, which was sucks because I ordered that as well.
WELL THIS BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So being the impatient brat that I am, I asked her what scents do you have for the Hair Nectar AND the hair oil.
and do you BELIEVE that she was nice enough to actually write down all the scents that was available and read them to me?
How effin great is that?
I love great customer service!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Got my henna, got my henna, yay baby!
I mixed 100g of Yemen henna with my normal mixture(4 black teabags, clove, and a dried lemon). I can't wait! I will say that Yemen henna is more difficult to whisk as itsvery clumpy, but after a few minutes its very smooth.
Ohhhhhhh babeeee I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My henna is here finally!
Ok, so I checked the box and it stated that the company is in Canada, so that explains the delay. I still plan on using Catherine's though, lol. Anyway, I will be doing a henna treatment tonight! I'm going to try Yemen henna and see what happens!
PS: I did a henna treatment on my cousin's hair and it looks FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I will be sticking with Catherine from here on out. I like knowing that I order my henna on Monday and its in my mailbox by Wednesday. If that makes me impatient, then so be it, but I like knowing that my packages are here within 3 days.
I'm hennaing my cousin hair tonight! So we should see how that goes.
Anyway, I've been a badddd girl, but I can't show you how BAD I've been until I have them in my grasp, you will see.
Lets just say that I am going to hide my credit card after today, lol.
I was THAT bad!
Also, today I made my very own lotion! How effin cool is that? I bought shea butter, coco butter, and a hand mixer and I made a kickass lotion that left my skin incredibly soft.
pure un-refined Shea butter
pure Coco butter
Aloe vera juice
2 vitamin E pills
Two teaspoons of coconut oil
I mix the ingredients with my hand held mixer(its very messy) and placed it in a jar.
This afternoon I took a shower after my workout class and applied the lotion.
Holy hell my skin GLOWED, and after the shea butter and coco butter melted in my skin, my skin was sooooooooo soft, I am going to love this for the summer!
I am going to make some for my sisters, mother, and grandmother.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I really wanted to like you
Sad to say I am going to have to rate this bar 7 out of 10, would have been 5 but I love the smell.
This is going to go in the bottom of the pile *le sigh*

Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Let me count the ways.....

I give this amazing bar 10 out of 10.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Tell me why I forgot to wet my hair first? I'm a dummy lol.
Anyway I woke up this morning with a hard, sticky head of hair. I think this will be my last time using blackstrap molasses.
Anyway, since last night was a disaster, I will stick to using AO's SHR condish, honey, and olive oil or castor oil as a prepoo treatment.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
Do you....Prepoo?
I know I complained about blackstrap molasses, BUT my hair is currently in micro braids and I don't need to detangle my hair, so why not use it?
Anyway tomorrow I am washing my hair with my Mud & Clay shampoo from Chagrin, can't wait to try it!
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Three for one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my favorite bars so far is the *drum roll please*

Goatmilk Oatmeal Soap: I LOVE this soap, I loved it so much that I ordered a full size bar of it. I can not describe how SOFT this made my skin. It is extremely moisturizing and it exfoliates my skin gently. The oatmeal pieces does a great job of getting rid of the flakes and the goatmilk is one of the most finest moisturizing agents out there. I give this amazing bar 10 out of 10.
The next bar that I love is the Lavender & Rosemary soap:

I really like this bar, I don't love it, but I damn sure like it alot! This left my skin really soft and supple, which I like. The smell is not overpowering which is a plus because some Lavender products are really overpowering. I really adore this soap, it almost matches up to the Goatmilk Honey Oatmeal soap, so I give this bar an 8 out of 10.
Now onto shampoo bars:
Coconut Shampoo bar:

This bar has everything, a light scent, lathers up nicely, and it leaves my hair so soft that I don't even need to use conditioner afterwards. If I could marry this poo bar I would. I LOVE this bar so much that I purchased two full size bars. There no way in heck that I am going to allow anyone to use this bar, lol. I love it that much. I give this poo bar 10 out 10, heck I would rate it 11 out of 10 if I could, lol.
Till next time!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In the spotlight....

I really like this body soap. It's very moisturizing and refreshing, and the smell? DIVINE!!!!The only downside is the oatmeal grains. They are extremely harsh on my skin, even after I lather several times. So out of 10, I give this soap a 5. I'll probably give it to my mom.
I will post my review of the Goat Milk and Oatmeal soap tomorrow.
See ya!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
My BABIES!!!!!!!!!!
Picture time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Loving it!
I've come to the conclusion that I am going to rock this hairstyle in the summer because I won't have to worry about having to twist, re-twist, and whatnot.
Besides, its going to be hot and humid, who wants to have to worry about their hair in the summer?
So, I'm going to stock up on really cute headbands and flower clips! Can't wait!
Oh, since my sister moved out, I don't have access to her camera so I am going to try to take some pictures of my hair when I see her tomorrow.
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
I love it!
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Its everywhere
*le sigh*
I wonder if she would let me borrow her hair? Lol
Anyway, this protective styling is definitely working for a sister. The idea of not having to worry about my hair is great! I wake up in the mornings, ruffle and go. Of course I spritz my homemade leave in before heading out the door, but other than that? No worries.
Annnnd I read on hennaforhair.com that henna washes out of braids and locs! Which is GREAT for me because I am itching to do another henna treatment.
Oh, as I type this I am sitting on the train on my way to a kickboxing class with deep conditioner in my hair. Now of course I covered my hair with a showercap, silk scarf and black bandana, lmao. But I find since I get really hot in class, this helps the conditioner to penetrate my roots.
Also, I get to test Chagrin coconut milk shampoo bar on my hair today...yippee!
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Soft hair, I LOVE my soft hair...
So far, my hair likes the KBB Nectar + Qhemet BRBC combo. Now my hair might turn on me and decides it hates this combo, but for now? My hair is behaving and sooooo soft, which is important to me.
Now Qhemet CTDG does NOTHING for my hair suprisingly, and I think Karen's Body Beautiful hair nectar has amazing detangling abilities so much so that I'm going to give away BOTH bottles of the Coco Tea Detangling Ghee, also Qhemet Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm does not work on my hair as well. It's too thick and makes my hair hard. So I might just give both of my products to my little sister.
Now as for castor oil, I can't see myself going back to coconut oil. My hair, better yet, my ends loves castor oil. It's extremely moisturizing and it gives my deep conditioner an extra KICK.
Tonight I undid a braid and my hair was so soft from root to tip, which is something I'm not used to. My hair would always feel soft but my ends would feel so brittle and dry. It helped that I baggied my ends last night, but nonetheless I am loving how my hair feels this moment!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
My skin feels fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I think my first choice is going to be the coconut shampoo bar, yippee!
I know I said that I wasn't going to order anymore stuff, but I think I am going to order 500g of yemen henna because I'm itching to do another henna treatement, lol.
Mehandiskinart.com prices are way cheaper than hennaforhair.com, like 9 dollars cheaper with cheaper shipping.
Can't wait to try that out!
I think my final purchases for the next month are going to be my henna and Chagrin Valley soaps.
I promise!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bath and body
Now the downside, last night I covered the top of my breasts with Rhassoul clay and this morning while in Target dressing room(don't sleep on Target, good clothing for cheap!) I noticed red scratches all over my breast. Not a pretty sight I tell you, it had to be the rhassoul because I put nothing on my boobies last night but the clay.
So all in all, I had a excellent experience using Rhassoul clay, my breast might beg to differ though lol.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Random thoughts......
I really want to do another henna treatment
I'm afraid that my hair isn't growing
I think I'm done shopping for my hair, well, after I buy my henna.
Omg, I just saw this girl with the cutest twistout on the train. I can't wait till my hair gets that length.
I really hate dry winter scalp, like realllly fucking hate it.
Man I can't wait to take these braids out.
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Baggy me!
Here's how I did it:
I used my homemade leave in conditoner(distilled water, conditioner, lavendar and peppermint essiential oils), srunchi, and castor oil.
Since my hair is in microbraids at the moment, it made baggying so much easier. Anyway, I gathered a handful of braids and saturated the ends with my leave in conditioner, then sealed in the moisture with castor oil.
I did this for my whole head and when I was done I place a shower cap over my head, then covered that with my satin bonnet and went to bed.
This morning I woke up and my ends were incredibly soft and moisturized!
I will definitely baggy my ends more often!
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Anniversary.....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Another day....
I no longer wince or grimace in pain when she parts my hair. When I wasn't caring for my hair, I would blow dry my hair before braiding and boy was my hair HARD as hell and difficult to part. Tears would literally sting my eyes as my cousin part my hair and my hair felt like it was being rip fromt its root, it was that painful.
Last night, even before my cousin started braiding my hair she noticed how soft my hair was( I had a kick ass deep treatment). After appyling a dime size amount of Karen's Hair Nectar and Qhemet BRBC my hair was soft and luxurious and sealing with castor oil just made it top notch.
I will try to keep these braids in for at least a month or two.
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Thursday, March 12, 2009
Oh to be sooo soft....
Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replinishing pak + a capful of castor oil+ a teaspoon of honey = L.O.V.E
My hair has never been so soft and easy to detangle. One thing I always noticed with using Blackstrap molasses with my conditioner, was the cracking sound I heard when the combed my ends. It felt like the blackstrap molasses made my coils harder to detangled, so maybe my hair is not a big fan of protein?
So I think I might have to shelve blackstrap molasses for now, but castor oil?
I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soft, soft, soft hair! I've DT my hair in the past, but never had hair as soft as this.
A definite keeper!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
So as you know I adore Giovanni 50:50 shampoo, but, it strips my hair because its a clarifying shampoo.
Now as much as I like it, I don't love it. So I'm on the look out for something with more oomph, something that makes my hair extra soft.
And I think I found it!
First off, I really need to stay out of np.com commercial products threads, its getting me in so much trouble lmao, anyway, just out of curiosity I checked out the Chagrin valley shampoo bars by Ida thread and what do you know, it was a "We love Ida shampoo bars!!!!" rave.
Well, I just had to see what everyone was talking about, so I hopped over to Ida's homemade soaps website and my heavens there were so many things to choose from! I mean she has shampoo bars, body soap bars, lotion bars, bath melts, dog shampoo, lip balms, the works, and its all homemade!
I can tell you right now, I was like a girl in a soccer stadium full of hot Italian men, I was in love. I ordered sample bars of almost all her stuff. What makes this great is that her sample bars cost under 3 dollars and from all the reviews they last a really long time. I already have a wish list of all the soaps that I can't wait to get my hands on as soon as they are available.
I am particualry itching to try her coconut milk shampoo bar, something tells me I am going to LOVE it.
Here are my list of samples that I ordered:
Coconut Milk Shampoo
EXTRA Honey Beer & Egg
Rosemary Mint
Summer Sunshine Shampoo
Rosemary Lavender Aloe
Herb Garden Shampoo
Mud & Clay Shampoo Sample
Babassu and Marsh Mallow
Olive Babassu Shampoo
Nettle Shampoo
Cafe Moreno Shampoo Bar
Avocado Shea Soap
Chocolate Almond Soap
Goat Milk Oatmeal Honey Soap
Herbal Mist Soap
Honey Beer Soap
Java Spice Soap
Lavender Oatmeal Spice
Lavender Rosemary Soap
and here's my wishlist:
Carrot Milk & Honey Shampoo Bar
Lavender & Spice Shampoo Bar
Castile & Calendula Baby Soap
Chamomile & Calendula Soap
Chocolate Orange Twist Soap
Cornmeal & Honey Scrubby Soap
Honey Butter Soap
Honey Beer Soap
Lemon Lavender Soap
Loofah Herb Garden Soap
Olive & Shea Soap
Peppermint Twist Soap
Rhassoul Clay & Yogurt Complexion Soap
Will post results as soon as I get my hands on them!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
But alas, her hair butter and cream are made with shea butter which just sits on my hair, so I didn't buy those products.
I did however, exchange the hair milk for the hair nectar in Honey Oatmeal and boy does it smell goooood.
I'm a fan for sure!
When I start working again, I will definitely pick up the shea butter cream, the body splash, body oil, and their soap bars!
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All I want is mositure
Ok onto my review:
KBB hair nectar+ Qhemet BRBC + coconut seal= love
First off, when I applied the Hair Nectar to my dry hair, my hair was instantly soft and fluffy, with no greasy residue. The best part was that my ends were extremely soft and moisturized. In the past, trying to find the right products that made my dry, extremely coily ends soft was difficult. Like I said, Qhemet BRBC is a god send, but my ends had to be saturated just so I can get my wide tooth comb through it, even after I detangled my hair in the shower. With this product not only it made my hair soft, my ends were easy to detangle and I didn't even need to use a comb! This product has AMAZING slip! Now I understand what people meant by finding a product with great slip. Now using this under Qhem's BRBC is great, this makes for an amazing combo. Hair Nectar is an amazing detangling product, it makes my hair soft and combine with Qhem's BRBC is extremely moisturizing, which is a win win for me!
Now onto KBB Hair Milk + Qhem's BRBC+ coconut oil to seal= greatness.
Now the hair milk is a slightly heavier product than the hair nectar. The nectar is more for those whose hair weighs down easily while the hair milk is for those whose hair is more thicker and can handle a lot of oils. Now back to my review, the hair milk worked just as well as the hair nectar, but it did leave some residue, not a lot but some. This product worked just as well as Hair Nectar but since its a much heavier product and the weather is getting nicer, I might just return this to get another bottle of the Hair Nectar. But for those whose hair can handle suck up a lot product, this just may be the product for you.
All in all, I had a wonderful experience using Karen Body beautiful and I will be making another purchase!
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Monday, March 9, 2009
I didn't think it was possible.
I think my hair loved it from first pump and the smell is DIVINE!!!!!!!!!
What is the new product sent to Earth from the heavens above?????
Karen Body Beautiful Hair Nectar and KBB Hair Milk in Chamomille Sage.
A little back story: browsing np.com commercial hair products section, where everyone was raving over Oyin, Qhemet, and Anita Grant hair products, people were always bringing up the wonders of Karen Body Beautiful products. So I decided to check check out her website and my heavens there was so much to chose from! I wanted them ALLL. But because there was so much to chose from, I got overwhelmed and left her web site without purchasing anything.
Fastfoward to a few weeks later and I'm searching the KBB thread once again, I notice people were raving about KBB's hair nectar and milk, and how it's great to use as a leave in conditioner and leaves your hair super soft.
Now I love me some Qhem BRBC, but it wasn't leaving my hair as soft as I would like, so a girl was definitely keeping her options open.
Anyhoots, so after doing a ton of research and reading what people were saying about the hair milk and nectar, I decided to try it out.
I didn't want to order anything online, but little did I know there was a store in Brooklyn!
Fastfoward to last weekend and guess what I saw as I'm driving through Brooklyn????
Karen Body Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was AMPED!
So today after much debating, I decided to go to visit the store and holy mackerel it was such a pleasant experience.
So I purchased the Hair Milk and Hair Nectar in Chamomille Sage(smells divine!), as there are a slew of scents to chose from. Anyway, I took out one of my newly washed and moisturize twist, re shampooed and applied the hair nectar to one section of my hair....
My hair has never, ever, been this soft or fluffy EVER, especially after using a clarifying shampoo. My hair was soooooo soft AND it wasn't greasy at all!
To test, I decided to braid one section of my hair using the hair nectar as a leave in, my BRBC as the moisturizer, and seal with coconut oil. I can't keep my hands out of my hair!!!!! The detangling powers of the product is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mentioned the smell is divine??????
So on another section of my hair, I decided to twist using the Hair milk as the leave in, BRBC as the moisturizer and coconut oil to seal.
I will post results tomorrow!
Here are some of favorite products:
Prepoo affair
It was SOOOOO soft!
To prepoo, I used Aubrey Organics honey rose suckle, olive oil, and blackstrap molasses.
I will definitely prepoo before I shampoo my hair!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
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Saturday, March 7, 2009
Its winter- check
The weather is dry- check
And my scalp is itching- check
Well I'm off to get some jojoba oil to combat this problem.
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Friday, March 6, 2009
New rules...
The problem I'm having is that my ends are very tightly coiled so that makes detangling a horrendous task. So I think I'm going to try to several methods of detangling my hair.
Test 1: using CTDG while hair is wet.
Will post results on Monday.
Sidebar: I am going to start shampooing and deep treatments my hair every Monday.
ETA: Scrap that, I think I just need to find a good detangler with great slip!
Just how tired?
My twin sister is moving out and someone had to be at her new place to receive her packages, and since she works and I don't(layoffs), that unlucky person was me.
So after waiting ALL day(and NO deliveries), I finally went home and was able to wash the henna out of my hair.
Then after washing the henna out, I did a Rhassoul Clay deep treatment and like a gazillion no poos because my hair wasn't soft enough and detangling was a BITCH.
So, I can't give an accurate review of Rhassoul clay since I had a head full of henna in my hair and henna is extremely drying, so I am going try it again next week.
Even though I must say, my hair was freakishly soft yesterday, but I think its probably from the million condish treatments yesterday, lol.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Super duper deep conditioner!
2 tablespoons of Rhassoul Clay
Coconut milk OR hot water
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Vitamin E Oil
3 tbs of Honey
Heat coconut milk
Add RC, EVO, Vitamin E oil and honey
Place ingredients in bowl, let it cool off for at least 5-10 minutes
Apply to hair.
Let sit for 1 hour and walahh!
Can't wait to try this on Thursday!
More benefits of using Rhassoul Clay
Rhassoul possesses a strong negative charge and high absorption rate —carrying away excess sebum, toxins, heavy metals and impurities. At the same time, many essential minerals and trace elements are released from the clay particle into the dermis, encouraging better skin health and reduced signs of aging. Follicle health and hair quality are also improved.
Benefits for the Hair With regular usage expect
A perfectly clean scalp and hair
Relief from dry and dandruff-prone scalps
A better nourished scalp and healthier follicles
Reduced frequency between hair washing
An increase in hair volume and body
An increase in hold, flexibility, smoothness and shine
No build-up
Benefits for the Skin
After a single usage expect your skin to be perfectly clean
More translucent
Much reduced in flakiness
Increased in elasticity
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Ahhh feels good!
So soft and soooooo smooth!
My skin loves it!
However, leaving on that clay for more than the intended time, woooooooh boy, my skin felt like it was being sucked into a vaccum cleaner, lol.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Feels good
Feels good so far!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009
We love you hair!
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Happy one month anniversary to me!
But anyhoots, happy anniversary to mwah!!!!!!
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