If you've been reading this blog, you'll know that I've been battling really dry hair. I've tried numerous products looking for that Holy Grail that'll make my hair nice and soft.
Welp, never found it....until today, I think.
When I normally moisturize my hair, I apply a water-based leave-in, then seal my hair from root to tip with oil and the final step is to seal with my homemade butter. While my hair felt moisturized afterwards, my ends still felt rough to the touch. To say I was getting fed up is an understatement. Well I remember reading somewhere that weighing fine hair down with so many products can make the hair feel hard. So I decided to experiment a bit. When I washed my hair, I applied my leave-in then seal with my homemade butter mix. When I unraveled my twists this morning my hair felt SOFT, sure, the roots always feel like straw, moisturized but soft and straw-like if that makes any sense. Back to the point, my ends that normally feel moisturized but ragged, felt amazing.
So while I'm happy with my butter, I'm leaving my options opened.
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