The last time I roller-set my hair, it wasn't that much of a success. My roots were still puffy and my ends were more tangled than ever.
This time, I used my magic combo of Qhemet's BRBC and OHHB which I think made a world of difference. I also braided the roots close to the scalp and made sure to my ends were truly detangled before applying the curlers.
This morning when I took the curlers down, I was stunned to see how long my hair actually grown! Last night, I was saying that my hair should be longer than what it is, but the problem was, I wasn't stretching my hair properly.
The proof is in the pudding! I want to try to stretch my hair with the African Thread method. While roller sets are cool, sleeping with them is whoooooooleeee other story. It wasn't too bad but It was annoying. I'm going to try to do this once a month, I wonder how a bantu knot out or a flat twist out would look with super stretch hair?????
Till next time!
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