Tuesday, April 21, 2009

These ends.....

I finally made my way through my poo bar samples from Chagrin Valley and last night I went back to the poo bar that worked the best: coconut milk poo bar. My hair thanked me profusely. I wasn't too sold on the Honey butter as a condish so that I might have to revisit at another time.

Last night I also noticed that when I use a herbal rinse(after I let it infuse for more than a day) it irritates the skin under my eyes. I'm going to have to find a remedy for this.

Now onto my ends and my daily spritzes.

First thing first, I think I need to tweak my daily spritz formula as my hair was extremely dry yesterday, its a little baffling as to why though.

Braids are a hard indicator of whether my hair is soft or not so I decided to take down a braid and twisted it instead to use as my indicator. Now yesterday after I sprtiz my hair I noticed an hour later that my hair dry and my ends felt fragile.

That's not going to work for me.

So I think I'm going to switch things up until my honey hemp conditioner arrives from Oyin, I am going to use AOHRS condish instead of my Suave humectant condish and also increase the amount I use, then I am going to replace olive oil with castor oil as my hair reacts better to castor oil( I was trying to use up all the EVOO I have). I also decided to baggy my entire head at least once a week between washing to combat the dryness. I will either use castor oil or Cococsta Shakakai Oil from Hairveda to seal. I also decided to add more aloe vera juice since my hair responds well to it. I think my hair needs moisture and I'm not doing enough plus the weather in NY sucks so that definitely plays a role.

Now onto my "ends" problem. I think its time for a trim. I was going to wait until July to trim, but I think next month will be better. They feel raggedly and just stringy, I don't know if its because its been in a protective style, but for my sake and sanity I'm going to trim them next month.

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