Thursday, May 28, 2009
Who knew?
Next time I'm going to do it in the shower instead of in front of my mirror.
Anyway, moving on...
Now to make the tea rinse, I just added a teaspoon of each powder to a glass jar, then I poured about 2 cups of boiling water over the powders and let that steep for about an hour.
Then I strained the mixture into a spray bottle and then proceeded to wash my braids in sections.
Now I don't know if it was because I had a lot of buildup or if the tea wasn't strained properly, but I had the hardest time getting my scalp squeaky clean. My scalp failed the fingernail test, a very first for me. So I had to use baking soda to get my scalp clean, THEN use my tea rinse afterwards.
I think the next time I'm going to use a cheesecloth to strain the tea instead of my metal strainer and I'm going to let the rinse sit in my hair while I'm in the shower.
So all in all, I will definitely use Auyverdic powders to wash my hair.
As long as my scalp is happy and clean, I'm good.
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Smells soooo good!
I came out great! I will be using this concoction for the summer and beyond.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mission accomplished....

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a mission in get my Auyverdic powders.
And I did!
I got Shakakai, Amla, Neem, Aritha, and Hisbicus petal powder. I am soooo stoked! The only one I didn't get was Brahmi, but I'm going to see if I can find it elsewhere. I went to the famous Kaluystans in the city and was pleasantly surprised to see that each powder was 3.99 as opposed to 6.99, the price they charged on-line.
I can't wait to use them, I think I'm going to prepoo Thursday night then wash and curl my hair Friday.
Oh yeah...
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Its been awhile...
I haven't done a product review since getting kinky twist extensions, which are looking fab by the way.
So I figured let's do a review of Oyin's Juice & Berries and Frank Juice.
My review is going to be short sweet and simple:
I like them, but I don't love them.
I MUCH rather prefer my homemade spritz which is all types of awesome(I added some Hairveda's CoCosta Shakakai oil in the mix). So I'm not going to repurchase.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
New-do update
With that said, even though I love my new do, it has one major disadvantage. One being that some of my curls becomes straight during the night, especially towards the front and sides. Now normally this wouldn't bug me, but since this is happening to the curls in front, its an issue because I want my hair to look neat. So yesterday evening I used perm rods to curl my hair and left them on overnight.
This morning I woke up to tightly coiled curls which I love!
ETA: after kickboxing, some curls are loose, oy vey, this is a work in progress lol. I'm going to have to leave the perm rods for days when I'm not kickboxing.
Also, I picked up some baking soda to clean my hair, which I'll probably do sometime next week.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Randomness
That would be a big, fat, NO.
Exhibit A:

Now this little basket holds everything(save for a few items sitting in my shower caddy)for my hair. I was really shocked to see that I'm not *that* bad when it comes to my ProductJunkie alter ego, Laquisha Sallie Mae.
I feel pretty good about myself and my spending habits, lol.
Next up is a my prepoo, daily scalp moisturizer oil mix, which smells divine by the way:

I mixed some Dabur Vatika oil with Hairveda CoCosta Shakakai herbal oil. I plan on using this every other day to grease my scalp since synthetic hair can soak up moisture.
What's next?
Oh yeah, I decided to add Ayurveda powders to my herbal rinses to clean my scalp. I'm going to make another trip to Curry Hill to pick up: Shakakai, Amla, Bhrami, Aritha, and maybe some Hisbicus petals.
Properties of each
Shikakai Powder: Hesh Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated on the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, SHIKAKAI strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. Hesh Shikakai powder has certain vital properties that act as coolants for the scalp. This powder has to be mixed with water and used as a paste on the hair instead of shampoo.
Amla: The paste of this powder helps promote luxuriant hair. Even as it controls hair loss. It stimulates hair roots and promote hair growth. This apart, it prevents scalp infection and controls premature graying of hair
Bhrami: Brahmi powder is a remedy for people with chronic hair problems. Brahmi can make hair dark, dense, and lustrous. It strengthens hair roots, thus controlling hair thinning and hair loss. Regular use control premature graying and massaging it into the scalp clears dandruff.
Aritha: Excellent as a natural shampoo and gives hair natural floss and bounce
I'm really interested to see how these powders work. When I wore extensions in the past, my biggest problem was the dirt and buildup that gathered at the root of the braid. Because of this, my hair was is in very bad shape and I lost a lot of hair. Now that I am more informed nappy girl, I'm going to purchase some baking soda to remove buildup and dirt, and follow up with Auyverdic powders to clean my hair.
I hope this works!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Its here!!!!
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
My new hair, hotness!
It looks so f'ing adorable! I can't wait to rock my new hair accessories with my fabulous hair! This has to be the best hairstyle I have ever had!
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Oh yeah its done, wohhoo
I need to get some good photos of this style.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Reason 630,541 why I hate loose hair.
When I started my hair journey I couldn't WAIT to wear a funky twist out or a fro hawk, but now? I'm going to have to put those funky styles on hold until I can get a grip on how to maintain my hair when its lose.
It seems that my hair retains moisture when its in a protective style. When it's out, it becomes dry, matted, and loses its luster. It doesn't help that I workout four days out of a week and I sweat in my head, so yeah.
Detangling my hair is going to be so much FUN tomorrow!
Can you hear my excitement?
Yeah, me neither.
I'm going prepoo overnight with Vatika Oil, deep condition with my AOHSR mix, cleanse with CV Mud & Clay poo bar, condition with Karen's and moisturize with Karen's hair nectar and seal with castor oil or Oyin's BSP.
Then BAM! My cousin is going to braid my hair in kinky twist! I can't wait!
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Holy afro!!!!!!
Anyhoots, last night I went out with my girls and I wore my wig once again, lol. I did notice the amount of naturally curly girls that surrounded me, I loved it! I wish I wore my fro last night, but I was too damn lazy to do it, oh well.
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I love you, I love you not....
•Karen's Body Beautiful Herbal conditioner. I'm in LOVE with this LOVE I tell ya. I used it last night and let me tell you, I had slip like a mutha and ohhhhhweeeeee my hair was soft! I couldn't get over how soft my hair was. I wasn't a big fan of this conditioner when I had braids so I couldn't really appreciate it, but this works really well on loose hair. I will definitely use this to detangle and condition my loose naps from now on.
Not a big fan of
•Herbal essence hello hydration. This has cones and since I'm trying to steer clear of stuff that's harmful to my hair, I'm going to give this one away. The slip was ok, but it has nothing on Karen's condish.
•Oyin's burnt sugar pomade. I really can't get over how lovely this product is. It smells great, leaves my hair feeling lush, and its very versatile! I can use it to do my bantu knots, imparts shine, and it can be used to seal my ends. I think I'm going to keep this in rotation. Last night I layered this over Karen's hair nectar in Honey Oatmeal and holy batman the smell was divine! I have to be careful not to be so heavy handed with this product because it's oil based.
I still love my Qhemet's and whatnot. Can't wait to take the twist down today! Whoot!
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Friday, May 8, 2009
Tonight I remembered why I HATE doing my hair. I co-washed my hair with Karen's herbal condish mixed with some Vatika oil, then I used Karen's hair nectar as a leave-in and twisted and sealed my hair with with Oyin's BSP.
I'm pooped.
So I will post my bantu knot out on Sunday, I don't feel like unraveling my hair tomorrow.
Laziness is a curse, lol.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wigging it....
In other news, nothing really except I'm trying to figure a regime for my kinky twist.
I'm thinking about shaving a piece of my coconut milk poo bar and diluting it in a spray bottle and washing my twist that way. Also, for my conditioner washes, I'm thinking about diluting my beloved Audrey's and adding a capful of vatika oil to my mix. I'm still planning to use Vatika oil and Shakakai oil for my prepoo treatment as well as washing my hair twice a week as normal. Since I work out three - four days a week, I have to be diligent about keeping my scalp, especially my roots clean and free of buildup.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm bored....

ETA: My heavens I'm still loving Oyin's BSP on my hair.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Random thoughts....
• I don't want to say, but I wasn't too impressed with Oyin's honey hemp conditioner. I don't know, I read it has silk protein and I am def protien sensitive. I'm going to use it again just to make sure
• I'm rocking my wig today because I have fat twist in my hair and I didn't want to be bothered.
• I'm going to experiment doing bantu knots with Karen's body hair nectar and Oyin burnt sugar pomade. I hope it comes out good.
• I took the bus to the other side of Brooklyn(about an hour on the bus) JUST to get perm rods from Sally's. If that's not dedication to the cause, then I don't know what is lol.
• It's official: my hair loves AOHSR + honey+ lustrasilk shea st+ vatika oil deep treatment. I think I'm going to rotate this with my hair masque from Hairveda.
• I really can't believe how much my hair grew! My next goal is bra strap length. I am more determined to keep this going.
• I love how thick my hair feels.
• I wanna do a henna treatment before I put the braids in....hmmmmmm
That's for all now!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
ETA: I finished taking my braids out this morning, so here are some photos. My hair looks great!

Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Here are the items that I have in my shopping cart:

I am lipgloss, chapstick, lip butter obsessed.
In other news, my hair is progressing well. I can't wait to be rid of these braids next week! WHOOT WHOOOT!
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Lightbulb moment...
Sounds good right? Both products state that they can be used as a prepoo treatment, so why not?
I hope it works.
Nappiness Leads to Happiness!
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's here!!!!
ETA: Ok I tried the Burnt Sugar Pomade on my braids and HOLY HELL, my hair SHINES, SHINES, oh and they SHINE! I LOVE IT, and um...I wanna eat my hair. This stuff smells like pancakes. Now I'm hungry.
My hair
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