Sunday, May 10, 2009

I love you, I love you not....


•Karen's Body Beautiful Herbal conditioner. I'm in LOVE with this LOVE I tell ya. I used it last night and let me tell you, I had slip like a mutha and ohhhhhweeeeee my hair was soft! I couldn't get over how soft my hair was. I wasn't a big fan of this conditioner when I had braids so I couldn't really appreciate it, but this works really well on loose hair. I will definitely use this to detangle and condition my loose naps from now on.

Not a big fan of

•Herbal essence hello hydration. This has cones and since I'm trying to steer clear of stuff that's harmful to my hair, I'm going to give this one away. The slip was ok, but it has nothing on Karen's condish.


•Oyin's burnt sugar pomade. I really can't get over how lovely this product is. It smells great, leaves my hair feeling lush, and its very versatile! I can use it to do my bantu knots, imparts shine, and it can be used to seal my ends. I think I'm going to keep this in rotation. Last night I layered this over Karen's hair nectar in Honey Oatmeal and holy batman the smell was divine! I have to be careful not to be so heavy handed with this product because it's oil based.

I still love my Qhemet's and whatnot. Can't wait to take the twist down today! Whoot!
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