Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No more.....

I solemnly swear that I, (insert name here), will not purchase another product for my hair. That means no more conditioners, moisturizers, leave-ins, oils, deep conditioners shampoo, or any other styling product. I have had it!

These past few months, I've been eyeing Darcy's Botanticals Madagascar Vanilla styling cream and several products from Shecenit and I've come to the realization that I have more than enough products for my hair.

No more!

I have one full sized jar of Qhemet's BRBC(sold the other one to my sis), 4 Karen's hair nectar, 2 almost full bottles of Karen's herbal conditioner, 2 Aubrey's HSR conditoners, 2 cheapie conditioners for my henna treatments, a full size Hairveda's Strilla deep conditioner masque, a half-used Oyin's BSP,a full bottle of Oyins Honey Hemp conditioner, a bottle and a half of Hairveda Shakakai CoCosta hair oil, castor oil, vatika oil, Fantasia olive oil gel, and NUMEROUS shampoo bars from Chagrin Valley.

I don't need anything else.

I'm going to use everything up and when I am OOS(out if stock), I will replenish my must haves(Qhemet's, Karen's, Aubrey Organics and Vatika oil)as needed.

Its going to be a good long while before I buy another hair product, lol.

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