Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's on...

It's that time...the time too unleash my hair from its constraints.... What you see there my friends, if you look close enough is my hair hidden beneath my braids. I started taking down my twists Tuesday night in hopes to have all of it out by Friday(girls night out @DINO'S BBQ!!!!). So far, I have about 6 rows left and I hope to have them all out tonight.

In the process of taking out the extensions, I ran into the dreaded...dirt clumps. On a whim, I applied Qhem's BRBC on the clump and to my absolute DELIGHTED surprised...the clump disappeared with MINIMAL hair loss!


Last night while taking down some more extensions, I ran into more dirt clumps, and this time I applied Qhem's MTCD and holy smokes, the clumps disappeared!

This is GREAT news! For so long I've battled dry clumps when taking down extensions and now I have something that not only helps, but leaves my hair moisturize in the process.


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