Saturday, March 5, 2011


I guess it took the Weave Fiasco of 2011 for me to "get it", but...I get it.

My naps may not be everyone cup of tea, but for me? I love my hair.

I've spent so long hiding my hair under extensions, that I used it as a crutch when the fall rolled around. I'm listening to my hair more, accessing its needs, and making the correct adjustments. I learned that my hair loves when I add more oil to my daily spritz mixture, that I can't use the Tangle Teezer for every wash, finger detangling is OK too, that I need to moisturize my hair at least twice a week, and deep conditioning is my friend.

My hair isn't %100 percent because I'm still dealing with excessive splits in my crown area, but I'm getting there.

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