Hola peeps!
I'm still here, rocking it with my hair. My new moisturizing combo is stil making my hair sing. During the fall, I wore havana twists until I got sick of them. My hair has grown but not at the rate I'm happy with. I feel my hair can be much further than where it is now.
With that said, I'm giving extensions a rest for a year and I'm going to use wigs as my go to for hair protection. One wig that I have my eye on is the FingerComber unit, its a natural wig created by naturals that are looking for wigs that match their hair texture. I plan on saving my pennies to invest in one. In the meantime I'm giving puffs a rest because I absolutely HATE re twisting my hair at night, so I'm trying flat-twists as another styling option.
Also, to combat the single strand knots and increase moisture retention, I've started doing oil rinses to give my hair the love it needs. I tried it last week using coconut oil and my hair loved it, I'm going to try avocado oil next. I plan on doing that every week since the weather is much colder. Yesterday, I tried a greek yogurt protein treatment and my hair was so damn happy, all I used was honey, coconut oil, and greek yogurt. My hair was easy to run my fingers through. I'm going to do that every month. I'm getting back to caring for my hair for optimal growth.
I would love to take multi-vitamins, but let's be real, I'll forget. I can count multiple times when I forgot to take my birth control for crying out loud. So I need to find something that'll work for me.
I'm up in the air about castor oil and my edges because it didn't work much, so I'm contemplating a trip to a dermatologist, I want my edges back!
Till next time....
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