Friday, July 31, 2009

New look!

I love the new look of my blog! I even added in that funky fro picture myself!


Nappiness Leads to Happiness!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I ordered six bags of Karishma henna from I couldn't help myself! For 2.99 a pack, I HAD to stock up.

I was going to order henna from another vendor, I think it was Ruchita, but after reading some negative reviews, I decided against it. Also ishopindian has already shipped my order AND provided me with a tracking number and I only ordered it yesterday! Great customer service or what?

In other hair news, I also ordered 200grams of indigo from Mehandi as well so I can dye my hair black. I can't wait to try it!

Other than that, still loving my hair even though I've started back stalking people fotkis and comparing lengths, which is no good. So I'm going to either throw some extensions in, which I reallllllllyyyyyyy don't want to do or find another way to stop stressing over my hair growth.

We shall see!
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Its my hair....

And it does it want to, does what I wants too, does what it wants too, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just as I was about to give up on henna, lo and behold, I've found a website that sells Rashima Herbal Henna

AND Bhrami!!!!!!! And its cheap!!!!!!!! Cheap henna???? 3.95 for 100grams??? Holla!!!! Brahmi for 3.99??????? What you say??????And you KNOW how LONG I've been searching for some Brahmi!!!!!! Hell yeah I'm buying them!!!!!!

I can get 500grams of herbal henna and 100grams of Brahmi for 31.42, how great is that????????

Moving on, I'm still dying my hair black so I'm going to order 300 grams of indigo in two weeks as well from Mehandiskinart because they are better priced(aka cheap).

Still loving my hair, even though my mother and sister continue to be unsupportive, but whatever, its MY hair and I fucking like it, fuckwhachaheard.

I'm a happy nappy girl who LOVES her hair!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just gorgeous...

This morning while handling bank business, I saw a girl with the most BEAUTIFUL, lucious locs. They were so beautiful and reached past her butt, just gorgeous. For a hot second I was seriously contemplating getting locs or locs extension just so my hair could look like hers. Hmmmm maybe I'll change my mind someday.

Who knows.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Chop, chop!!!!

My hair feels so much better after last night. I got so fed up with the stringy, knotty ends of my hair that I gave myself a mini trim last night. I didn't care about the length, I just wanted my hair to FEEL better.

And now it does.
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

What my hair looks like....

Today I spent the day at Prospect Park zoo with my baby cousins and besides wearing a very cute, very chic, very comfortable outfit, today was the first time my hair was naked(without accesories). It felt gooood.

My sister commented on how red my hair looked but I can't see it for myself! Darnit!

Oh well, till next time!
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Nothing new to report....

Just wanted to post pics of my hair. Me and boo(my hair name) are still going strong, its like we've become so close since taking out the extensions. She behaves when I want her too, and she shows me love by looking extra cute!

I love that I can pin my hair back with my various flower and butterfly pins. This is hair style has to be one of my favorite styles right now.

Hmmm what else?

Hairveda deep conditioning masque is really good! I love to mix some shakakai oil, vatika oil and honey with it to give it some umppppphhhh!

Sad to say, but even though I really like this product, I probably won't repurchase because I'm trying not to spend a lot of money on something such as a deep conditioner since I can whip up a really good one using. Lustrasilk or Suave condish, some AOHRS condish, honey, and any oil I chose.

Now as to my leave-ins(Karen's) and moisturizer(Qhemt's), they have a fan for life!!!

Have I mentioned that I'm dyeing my hair black? If not, I've decided that I am bored with red hair and going back to black. This round I'm going to use henna and indigo and probably replace henna with cassia for extra deep treatments once or twice a month.

But can someone tell me why Cassia is so rasshole expensive????

Jeeeez louise!
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Friday, July 10, 2009

I have a new love........

Yes, I found the ultimate tangling machine!!!!!

The mighty DENMAN!!!!

This brush is awesommmmmmme. I've been wearing out styles since taking out the extensions and my ends felt so ragged, I was seriously contemplating having my hair trimmed. Now, I can hold off on the trim until January. This brush is a lifesaver! I'm still going to use my fingers and comb to detangle, but it's great to have something else in my arsenal.


In other hair news, I've received a lot of comments on my new hair style and awesome hair accessories. It feels good!

and guess who did a henna treatment?????


After two long months, me and beloved henna has been reunited and it feels soooo good. I am seriously contemplating dying my hair black with henna and indigo, just to see how it would look.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My hair looks awesome!!!!!!

I loves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I get to wear my rose clips, woot!!!
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hotness personified!!!






Hotdamn I am in love with my fro! In loveeeeee!!!!! This is my bantu knot out. In other hair news, I'm going to give myself a much needed henna treatment tomorrow night, I can hardly wait!

I think tonight I'm going to try Curly Nikki's twist and curl, ohhh yeah!


So my braidout didn't go as expected. Lol. I ended up with a HUGE afro with no curl definition, ahhh the life of a cnapp.

Its okay because I love, love, love my fro!

I met a friend last night for dinner and I never felt better about my hair. I was so happy that my fro was free and blowing in the wind! I felt so goooood.

Today I'm going to try the bantu knot out.
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Friday, July 3, 2009

The fro has been released!!!!

Warn the villagers!!!!!

More pics coming soon!
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Ok, since I'm due to have my hair braided on Wednesday(without extensions), I figure until then I will experiment with some various styles.

The first one being the braidout.

As you can see I braided my hair in 8-16 sections and made sure to moisturize each section. I'll unbraid each section when I'm ready to leave the house in a few hours.

I can't wait to see what it looks like!
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To be free again!!!!!

Last night I was so annoyed because my hair felt dirty, I decided right then and there that I was going to take these extensions out.

And boy does my hair feel good!!!!!

I didn't care that it was two weeks early, I just needed to take these extensions out! I was truly missing my hair.

And now my hair is free!

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