Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I ordered six bags of Karishma henna from I couldn't help myself! For 2.99 a pack, I HAD to stock up.

I was going to order henna from another vendor, I think it was Ruchita, but after reading some negative reviews, I decided against it. Also ishopindian has already shipped my order AND provided me with a tracking number and I only ordered it yesterday! Great customer service or what?

In other hair news, I also ordered 200grams of indigo from Mehandi as well so I can dye my hair black. I can't wait to try it!

Other than that, still loving my hair even though I've started back stalking people fotkis and comparing lengths, which is no good. So I'm going to either throw some extensions in, which I reallllllllyyyyyyy don't want to do or find another way to stop stressing over my hair growth.

We shall see!
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