Friday, July 10, 2009

I have a new love........

Yes, I found the ultimate tangling machine!!!!!

The mighty DENMAN!!!!

This brush is awesommmmmmme. I've been wearing out styles since taking out the extensions and my ends felt so ragged, I was seriously contemplating having my hair trimmed. Now, I can hold off on the trim until January. This brush is a lifesaver! I'm still going to use my fingers and comb to detangle, but it's great to have something else in my arsenal.


In other hair news, I've received a lot of comments on my new hair style and awesome hair accessories. It feels good!

and guess who did a henna treatment?????


After two long months, me and beloved henna has been reunited and it feels soooo good. I am seriously contemplating dying my hair black with henna and indigo, just to see how it would look.


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