Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Twa....

I found a photo of my TWA!!!!

Damn I thought I had lost it forever!

Ok this is what my hair looked like in July 2008, after I visited a hair salon and spent $145 having my hair cut. I remembered everyone looking at me like I was nuts! I remember my mother and sister not being supportive of my hair. I remember the comments, the looks, the "suggestions", I also remember feeling alone. I remember having a love/hate relationship with my new hair. I remember feeling helpless because Miss Jessies products weren't working for me but they worked FINE when my stylist used them. I remember washing and styling my hair five times IN ONE DAY and each time my hair looked worse. I remember that hate I felt towards my hair, I remember feeling like the ugliest thing in the world. I remember visiting the Miss Jessies web site and trying every style tutorial thinking it was going to work this time. I remember a man(black) saying: " That shit looks ugly". I remember crying in the bathroom hating my hair, hating myself. I remember calling my cousin in tears because I wanted her to put extensions in my hair after only wearing my fro for two weeks. I remember being unhappy with my hair.

That time had the be the most trying two weeks of my life. I'm happy I'm in a better place today, even though I haven't FULLY embraced my naps, I'm getting there.

Sidebar: Maybe I should count July 2009 as my Nappiversary? Or Jan, my hair re-birth? Hmmmm.

Nappiness Leads to Happiness!

Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm bored....

Therefore I take pictures of my hair.

The first shot is the right side of my hair June 09, which makes its almost 5 months.

The second shot is a closer shot of the right side of my hair.

The third picture is of my left side which is CLEARLY the shorter side(it has always been like this, even when I was a permie).

I figure let me take some pictures of my hair to have something to compare it to in January.

I remember cutting it off last summer because my ends were so damage and I ended up rocking a TWA for about two weeks before getting fed up and putting extensions in, so I'm pretty happy with my hair growth.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No more.....

I solemnly swear that I, (insert name here), will not purchase another product for my hair. That means no more conditioners, moisturizers, leave-ins, oils, deep conditioners shampoo, or any other styling product. I have had it!

These past few months, I've been eyeing Darcy's Botanticals Madagascar Vanilla styling cream and several products from Shecenit and I've come to the realization that I have more than enough products for my hair.

No more!

I have one full sized jar of Qhemet's BRBC(sold the other one to my sis), 4 Karen's hair nectar, 2 almost full bottles of Karen's herbal conditioner, 2 Aubrey's HSR conditoners, 2 cheapie conditioners for my henna treatments, a full size Hairveda's Strilla deep conditioner masque, a half-used Oyin's BSP,a full bottle of Oyins Honey Hemp conditioner, a bottle and a half of Hairveda Shakakai CoCosta hair oil, castor oil, vatika oil, Fantasia olive oil gel, and NUMEROUS shampoo bars from Chagrin Valley.

I don't need anything else.

I'm going to use everything up and when I am OOS(out if stock), I will replenish my must haves(Qhemet's, Karen's, Aubrey Organics and Vatika oil)as needed.

Its going to be a good long while before I buy another hair product, lol.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Hair today....

So my cousin finished my twist yesterday, and I don't like them. Its too short in the front so today I was able to play around with it and here is the results, me likey!
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Thursday, June 11, 2009


For the past few weeks, I've haven't had good feelings towards my hair.

Questions swirling around my head:

"Why isn't it growing"
"Why am I hiding my hair under these braids"
"Why can't my hair be that length NOW"
"How long will I have to wait???"

Its very disheartening.

You know, I really like kinky twist extensions, but I've spent most of my life hiding my hair behind them because it made me feel good about myself, it made me feel pretty.

And now I'm hiding behind the extensions again because I haven't fully embraced my hair.

I wondered, how can I love myself and not my hair?

I'll be completely honest, I'm still having a hard time accepting my naps. I think my issue is the length of my hair. I want it to be longer so I can do funky twist, up-do's, braids and whatnot. But I can't do that right now because my hair isn't at that length I want it to be.

I need to be more patient.

It doesn't help that my hair could have been WAY longer if I was more informed about natural hair care in the past as I am now.

But whatever, no need crying over spilled milk.

Anyway, I don't want to rely on extensions to give me the kind of style I desire, I want to use my own hair dammit lol. I don't feel like MYSELF right now because of my hair.

So I decided that next month, I'm going to take these braids out and put extensions on hold until the wintertime and just learn to WORK with my hair.

And to be honest, I MISS my hair, I haven't done a henna treatment in 2 1/2 months! That's wayyyy to long for me and I just miss giving my hair some TLC.

So, mini braids here I come!
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Friday, June 5, 2009

Comparison photos!

Well, nothing really to report on my hair front since my hair is still in kinky twist at the moment. Other than that, here are some comparison shots of my hair.

Hope this works lol.

Comparison photos:

Jan '09

May '09 (4 months later)

My hair has definitely prosper in the past 4 1/2 months, and I believe that I wouldn't see this kind of growth if I was perming my hair, so for that I am truly glad that I've decided to make this natural journey.

When I first started out, my twist were so puny and fine, but after four months my twist are full and plump.

I can't wait to see what my hair looks like on its first anniversary.


Nappiness Leads to Happiness!