Monday, August 23, 2010

The power of...shrinkage...

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

This is what my hair looked like once my cousin was finished braided it.

Words could not describe how much I LOVED it....

Until... the form of sweat and my daily spritz....

Which only means one thing...SHRINKAGE!!!!

Now it looks like....


and this:

Which is a-ok with me.

I've realized that when my ends are not tucked as in the style you see above, I develop more single strand knots and my ends get more ragged.

So back to my trusty pinned up do!

sidebar: maybe I should do a comparison shot of the back of my hair...maybe next time

Saturday, August 21, 2010


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Orly Royal Navy..

Good googly moggly.


It was sooooooo worth the wait...
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why...hello there.

My hair has come a looonng way. Last year, if I wore a bantu knot out, I would spend so much time in the mirror fluffing my hair(using a rat tail comb and my fingers), making sure there was no gaps in my hair.

Fastforward to a year later, and this morning however, it was so much easier! All I had to do was undo the knots, fluff my hair with my fingers and I was done in under 5 minutes.

My hair has grown by leaps and bounds...

I am loving my journey!
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Monday, August 16, 2010

My Orly haul...

*passes out*

Glitter overload...

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Sunday, August 15, 2010


Ulta Envy...

I reallly like this color!

I really need to do a hair review, yes?

Blah, I have no energy to do so :(

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why I'll always love Zoya...

Zoya Deidra.

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